The Pitfalls of Manual Timesheets – Unravelling the Inaccuracies 

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In construction today, time has never been more important. Efficient time tracking is crucial for businesses to allocate resources efficiently, bill clients accurately and optimise workflows. However, relying on manual timesheets can lead to a plethora of inaccuracies that can hinder productivity and more importantly, profitability. In this blog we are going to look at some of the main pitfalls of manual timesheets.

Manual Timesheet Errors

First and foremost, manual timesheets are prone to human error. Whether that’s failure to record an accurate account of time, rounding up or down or simply entering the wrong information, the margin for error is significant. Even the most diligent employee can make mistakes, leading to discrepancies in reported hours.

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In a study by PPM Express of 500 small business owners, just 21% said their employees never make mistakes when writing down their hours with a staggering 56% saying that 1 in every 4 timesheets contained errors. (

Manual timesheets are also susceptible to deliberate manipulation. In a competitive workplace environment, employees may feel pressured to inflate their hours to appear more productive or to meet targets. This can result in misleading data, leading to skewed insights and potentially impacting budgets and deadlines.


Additionally, manual timesheets lack real-time tracking capabilities. In todays interconnected world, where remote work is increasingly present, having access to real-time data is essential for project management and decision-making. Manual timesheets often require time-consuming data entry processes, delaying the availability of crucial information.

Not only are they outdated but they are time consuming for the operative to fill out, collect approval and be processed by payroll. The process is dated and notorious for delays, either from the operative missing information of the department who handles them having their own issues. This administrative burden not only wastes valuable time but also distracts people from their most important tasks.


The vulnerability of manual timesheets can leave a business open to damaging its reputation and eroding client trust. Clients these days expect transparency and accuracy when it comes to billing for services rendered. Inaccurate invoices can lead to disputes which have the potential to damage an established relationship.

Manual timesheets are a thing of the past. They served their purpose. Their inherent inaccuracies and inefficiencies make them ill-suited for the pace of modern business. Embracing technology-driven solutions for time tracking not only improves accuracy and efficiency but also enhances transparency, accountability and ultimately business success.

Modern Technology

Fortunately, modern technology offers alternative solutions to manual timesheets. Products like HumanFacta; our new workforce management software, can offer you this alternative. Our accurate and efficient technology helps businesses eliminate error and solidifies a process that can optimise workflows, protect profitability, streamline your time sheet management processes and empower your business to thrive.

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Our comprehensive time sheet management system offers a range of features and benefits designed to meet the diverse needs of modern businesses:

  1. Automated Time Tracking: Say goodbye to manual time tracking and tedious data entry. Our software automates the entire process, allowing employees to clock in and out electronically using their mobile devices or computers. This not only eliminates the need for paper-based time sheets but also ensures accuracy and reliability in recording working hours.
  2. Real-Time Monitoring: With HumanFacta, you can monitor employee attendance and working hours in real-time, giving you instant visibility into who’s on the clock and what tasks they’re working on. This real-time monitoring capability allows for better resource allocation and enables timely intervention in case of any discrepancies or issues.
  3. Customisable Reporting: Our software offers customisable reporting features, allowing you to generate detailed time sheet reports tailored to your specific requirements. Whether you need daily, weekly, or monthly reports, or insights into project-based time tracking, our flexible reporting tools make it easy to extract the data you need to make informed decisions.
  4. Integration Capabilities: HumanFacta seamlessly integrates with your existing systems and software, including payroll, accounting, and project management platforms. This integration streamlines data transfer processes, eliminates duplicate data entry, and ensures data consistency across all your business systems.

By leveraging HumanFacta’s advanced time sheet management capabilities, businesses can unlock a host of benefits, including:

  1. Time Savings: Eliminate the manual effort and administrative burden associated with traditional time tracking methods, allowing your employees to focus on more value-added tasks.
  2. Cost Reduction: Reduce labour costs and minimise errors associated with manual data entry, ultimately saving your business time and money.
  3. Enhanced Productivity: Gain insights into employee work patterns and identify areas for improvement to boost overall productivity and efficiency.
  4. Improved Accuracy: Say goodbye to errors and inaccuracies commonly associated with manual time tracking, ensuring precise recording of employee working hours.
  5. Better Decision-Making: Access real-time data and insights to make informed decisions about resource allocation, project scheduling, and workforce management.

In conclusion:

HumanFacta offers a comprehensive and intuitive solution for time sheet management, helping businesses streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and drive success. With our advanced features, seamless integration, and unmatched flexibility, HumanFacta empowers businesses to take control of their time tracking processes and achieve their goals with confidence. Experience the future of time sheet management with HumanFacta today.

Contact us HERE to find out more.